The System We Build For You On Hubspot: Premium Gated Content Offers (CTAs) are a critical conversion point. There are a lot of steps involved in making this content and showing how it gives you a Return on Investment.
Here are all 13 steps that are involved in making the premium content offers in Hubspot. It's an extensive process in order to connect everything for you, but the rewards are rich. We want you to see complete data on how the money you spent at Tangible Words allows your revenue grows as a result.
Tangible Words' goals for creating CTAs for your company are:
1) Create content that helps your target personas in their Buyer's Journey.
2) Make that content very accessible to those personas (by driving SEO and Social Media traffic to those pages.)
3) Make sure that we track who is engaging with that content.
4) Make your sales team aware of how people are engaging with that content so that they can better serve each contact based on the interests indicated online.
5) Track the ROI on your marketing: if people come to the site and became Leads because of that content we want to show the connection to what they bought from you later. Secondly, if your existing contacts are also engaging with that content, we want to show how that content helped influence their buying decisions with your company.
Watch Vicky explain the 13 step process to designing relevant content offers (CTAs) and setting up the whole Conversion Point system in Hubspot to track your ultimate increase in revenue here in this video.
Even better, so long as you keep your Hubspot Marketing Pro licence, this 13-step infrastructure we have built with you - for each CTA we make - will last. So you will always have this system working like a magnet to pull Leads from your website to your sales team.
Our personal goal is to at least double the money you spent with us in year 1 of our contract.
But those nets we have built in Year 1 will continue making you money even after that first year. Finally, even beyond the life of our contact of working together, you'll still keep making money from those campaigns we have built, so long as you keep your Hubspot Marketing Pro licence active. So you can see, your Return on Investment is as important to us as it is to you.